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How to stop FOMO taking over your career

Voco Team
Image of a woman at a desk by a window, using a laptop

In today's digital world, where social media has become a pretty integral part of our lives, we are often bombarded with images of friends, acquaintances, or that random person we worked with ten years ago, totally crushing their careers. 

We see them landing their dream jobs, receiving promotions, working for exciting, high-profile companies, and, let’s be honest, posting a humblebrag or two designed to humanise their success. 

And as we scroll through our feeds, we probably start to feel that we are missing out on opportunities and that we should be achieving more in our professional lives. Yes, more and more of us are suffering from career FOMO.

Career what now?

Career FOMO - i.e. the fear of missing out in our professional lives - is the feeling of anxiety or restlessness that arises from the belief that we are missing out on career opportunities that could bring us success or happiness. 

It can manifest in different ways, such as feeling jealous of someone else's accomplishments or feeling like we are standing still in our own careers. It can also lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and a general lack of motivation.

Algorithms fuelling FOMO...

The omnipresence of social media is contributing to career FOMO, just as it drives FOMO in our personal lives. When we’re faced with constant updates about what everyone else is doing, it can create a sense of pressure and a fear that we’re not doing enough ourselves. And while we might be able to see-through the glossy lifestyle updates on Instagram or the cleverly edited videos on TikTok, it’s harder to separate the ‘professional’ posts on LinkedIn from career reality.

Given LinkedIn’s whole purpose is to connect us with new job or business opportunities, it’s hardly surprising that a constant stream of content about promotions, new roles or ‘thought leading’ work-based opinions can be pretty overwhelming and cause us to question how well we’re doing ourselves. Precisely because it focuses on work, we trust that it is more authentic than other platforms, and that only amplifies its impact on our career FOMO.

And let’s face it, all social media platforms exacerbate the problem. Human nature favours celebrating success and, in turn, social media algorithms favour engagement: likes, shares and the rest. So it’s no surprise that the posts we most often see dominating our feeds are those where people have achieved something ‘amazing’. This constant reinforcement of other people’s achievements can cause us to question our own progress and choices even more.

Of course, research has shown time and again that social media use can lead to increased feelings of envy and anxiety. For example, a study conducted way back in 2013 by the University of Copenhagen found that people who took a break from Facebook reported higher levels of life satisfaction and lower levels of envy and depression, and concluded that social media use can create a "social comparison spiral," where people compare themselves to others and feel inadequate, while a 2021 study into Instagram use confirmed ongoing “social or appearance comparison”.

So what can you actually do about it?

Reframe your thinking - Instead of seeing other people's successes as a threat, try to see them as inspiration. Use their accomplishments as motivation to work harder and achieve your own goals. And be selective about who you connect with or follow. Choose those people who you genuinely want to engage with and who inspire you.

Set realistic goals - Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable steps. This will help you make progress towards your goals and give you a sense of progress. Focus on the outcomes of your goals, not the outputs. For example, think about how you actually want to feel about work, not about your job title or how many likes you get for a career update.

Limit your use of social media - Be mindful of how much time you spend on platforms such as LinkedIn and how they make you feel. If you notice that social media is causing you to compare yourself to others and feel anxious or inadequate, take a break! It’ll still be there if and when you want to go back.

Focus on your own career journey - Remember that everyone has their own path and timeline, and you don’t know what’s really going on in their lives. Focus on your own journey and don't compare yourself to others. Instead, make a list of your achievements and celebrate them.

Start talking - seek support from others if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck in your career. Sometimes, just talking to someone can help you gain perspective and clarity. That’s the whole purpose of Voco - finding you the right people to talk to about your career fears, hopes and dreams, all in a safe space that you control. And without a single ‘like’ in sight!

Want to start having impactful career conversations that can help you overcome FOMO? Join Voco now!

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