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Voco Newsletter: 24 March 2021

Voco Team

The great flex-periment: how to keep working flexibly post-pandemic

Over the past 12 months - as we've all grappled with the changes the coronavirus pandemic has imposed on our daily lives - we’ve seen how reflective many people have become about their careers, and how they’re now taking stock of what they really want from work.

While debates rage over when, if and how the world will get back to ‘normal’, at Voco we’ve been looking at what the pandemic has taught us about working flexibly and what people want moving forwards. As employers start thinking about what comes next, we’ve set out how to make a case for retaining flexibility in where and how you work in a post-pandemic world.

Read the full story here

Career story: “I realised the importance of looking outside your direct sphere of influence.”

Voco member Devan was on the fast track to big corporate success when the pressure of his tireless ascent up the traditional career ladder got too much and he fell off. In his career story, Devan talks about how and why he pushed himself to breaking point, and what he learned from picking up the pieces.

Read Devan’s full story here

Voco member, Devan Bailey

Career inspiration from Voco

Here are the latest the things that are inspiring us and making us think differently about our careers. And we’d love to hear about anything you’ve read, listened to or seen that could help our members take control of their careers.

READ: The five types of mentors you need in your life

This TED piece underlines one of the things we feel mostly strongly about at Voco: the importance of having a range of people to consult about your career. And we wholeheartedly agree that any kind of mentoring is a two-way street, based around genuine connection. You can find out more about our take on building your own personal board of advisors and how Voco can help you get the right squad to help you achieve your goals - read more here

LISTEN: Is This Working?

Back for a new season this week, this podcast sees journalists Anna Codrea-Rado and Tiffany Philippou take listeners through a range of conversations that pick apart the messy bit of work. From admitting burnout, asking whether it’s ok to work with your mates, explaining tips and tricks like the pomodoro method for concentration, to being honest about attitudes towards money, Anna and Tiffany dig into all the questions about work you’ve always had but never dared ask.

READ: Work and play - five elite sports women and their non-sporting careers

Find out how five incredible elite female athletes balance their sporting endeavours with their high pressure careers in areas ranging from software development to veterinary science, the law and the NHS. From the challenges of balancing work, study and training, to bringing the resilience and competitiveness gained from their sporting triumphs to bear at work; these women are bringing new meaning to doing it all!

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Joining Voco has dual benefits. Not only do you get a sounding board and expert counsel from people in real jobs facing the same challenges you are; you also offer the same in return - helping build your own confidence and refine your own expertise at the same time. Apply to join us and co-create the Voco community, together!

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